A Storm of Swords – Campaign Manager

A Storm of Swords – Campaign Manager

Sam, Grenn, and Pip have drinks in Sam’s cell. Pyp convinces Sam to be Jon’s campaign manager, because as Pyp puts it not only is he a noble’s son, he is the Slayer.
Well, I’m perfectly happy with this composition, I found myself overthinking the logistics on this one the reason being I assumed a brother of the night watch’s cell, wouldn’t be much larger than one of a medieval monk’s. Specifically, I was thinking of the cells in the monastery, with all of the Fraud Angelico frescos.
Not getting into the fact that I doubt there were any painters amongst the builders and the walls are most likely cold stone. I figured that there wouldn’t be much place for anybody to sit. I certainly imagine Sam and Pip could fit on Sam‘s bed. But then, where would Gran be sitting?

asoiaf a song of ice and fire illustration pen and ink storm of swords samwell tarly pyp grenn
“We?” said Pyp. “How did someone change to we? I’m the mummer’s monkey, remember? And Grenn is, well, Grenn.” He smiled at Sam, and wiggled his ears. “You, now . . . you’re a lord’s son, and the maester’s steward . . .”
Samwell Page 1052