A Storm of Swords – Campaign Manager
Sam, Grenn, and Pip have drinks in Sam’s cell. Pyp convinces Sam to be Jon’s campaign manager, because as Pyp puts it not only is he a noble’s son, he is the Slayer.
Well, I’m perfectly happy with this composition, I found myself overthinking the logistics on this one the reason being I assumed a brother of the night watch’s cell, wouldn’t be much larger than one of a medieval monk’s. Specifically, I was thinking of the cells in the monastery, with all of the Fraud Angelico frescos.
Not getting into the fact that I doubt there were any painters amongst the builders and the walls are most likely cold stone. I figured that there wouldn’t be much place for anybody to sit. I certainly imagine Sam and Pip could fit on Sam‘s bed. But then, where would Gran be sitting?

Samwell Page 1052