A Storm of Swords – The Joust

A Storm of Swords – The Joust

The next bit of entertainment at the wedding is a pair of jousting dwarfs.

Because of my format, I couldn’t fit in all of their antics and was only able to do something that gave the idea of the scene.

One thing I find is sometimes doing the research for these pictures spoils the scenes for me. For example, I’m well aware of pigs that are big enough to be ridden by someone small enough. But having friends with St. Bernards and Neufs, I happen to know not even a dog as big as Crunch could support that kind of weight on its back.

asoiaf a song of ice and fire storm of swords illustration pen and ink jousting dwarfs penny opo pretty pig crunch purple wedding
When the dwarfs reined up beneath the dais to salute the king, the wolf knight dropped his shield. As he leaned over to grab for it, the stag knight lost control of his heavy lance and slammed him across the back. The wolf knight fell off his pig, and his lance tumbled over and boinked his foe on the head. They both wound up on the floor in a great tangle. When they rose, both tried to mount the dog. Much shouting and shoving followed. Finally they regained their saddles, only mounted on each other’s steed, holding the wrong shield and facing backward.
Tyrion 824