Game of Thrones – Dawn Over the Barrows of the First Men

Game of Thrones – Dawn Over the Barrows of the First Men

Have I mentioned that my biggest problem with A Song of Ice and Fire is there are too many horses? It’s getting to the point where if someone’s outside there’s a fifty percent chance they are riding a $%&# horse! This scene is so much nicer in the show where Robert and Ned are just having a nice little picnic! Admittedly they drop the bit about the barrows completely but that is not the point.

On a side note, sunrises are wasted in pen and ink. I almost want to do this over again, in color just to show how awesome this should look. Also, I’m going to do it as a vertical composition so you can appreciate the sheer majesty of the plain.

In today's Game of Thrones Illustration, Ned and Robert watch the sunrise over the barrows of the first men.
wpmorse pen and ink eddard stark king robert baratheon the north dawn

Robert frowned. “Have we ridden onto a graveyard?”
“There are barrows everywhere in the north, Your Grace,” Ned told him. “This land is old.”
Game of Thrones – Chapter 12