Game of Thrones – The Letter

Game of Thrones – The Letter

I’ve had the scene where Catelyn receives a letter from her sister Lysa, and then burns it, on my to-do list for way too long.

The main reason was I wasn’t sure about the composition, even though I eventually went with my original thumbnail. The second reason was it took me a while to figure out what a medieval dressing gown would be. It’s not helped that Mr. Martin plays a bit of a shell game in the previous two pages. You’re forced to pay attention to whether Catelyn is wearing it at all.

All in all, I think I’m happy with it. I’ve started to play with all of the great houses having their sigils everywhere. Not just in their banners and shields. You can see it here in the grate in the fireplace and Catelyn’s bedpost.

In today's Game of Thrones illustration, Catelyn deals with a letter she received from her sister Lysa.
Ned Eddard Stark pen and ink maester luwen winterfell a song of ice and fire wpmorse

“Maester Luwan has delivered all my children,” Catelyn said. “This is no time for false modesty.” She slid the paper in among the kindling and placed the heavier logs on top of it.
Game of Thrones – Chapter 6