Game of Thrones – Lady

Game of Thrones – Lady

After the attempted murder of Bran, my least favorite part of this book is the death of Sansa’s Direwolf Lady. I have no intention of illustrating it. Instead, I want to give her a proper goodbye with something cute and funny.

Seriously though It took me a little while to decide how to draw her. For the most part, I consider all of the Direwolfs still in the puppy stage. However, at this exact same time in the book, Ghost is nearly killing Tyrion. For the time being I’ll use the “Lady is the gentle one” excuse.

I’m surprised that quite a number of my favorite drawings in this series have featured Sansa. It’s not that I’m one of the haters, it’s just that someone has to be on the bottom of the list.

I may be changing that assessment and move Jon Snow to the bottom.

For today's Game of Thrones Illustration, Lady drags her human, Sansa, through the royal camp.
wpmorse sansa stark lady direwolf pen and ink illustration pets

Anxious to see, Sansa let Lady clear a path through the crowd. People moved aside hastily for the direwolf. 
Game of Thrones – Chapter 15