A Storm of Storms – Snow Castles

A Storm of Storms – Snow Castles

Sansa makes snow castles of Winterfell with Littlefinger’s help.

Ever since I saw Michael Komarack’s picture of it, this has been one of my favorite scenes in the series.

Of course, like most of the beautiful scenes in this book, they are fleeting. This picture is where things begin to go downhill. But not before it gets really bad with Sweet Robin smashing the castle.

On a side note, I find myself overthinking Littlefinger’s upcoming skeevyness. I’m not saying he’s not going to be skeevy, but I think he will doing it to deliberately trigger Lyssa rather than merely molest his “daughter”.

She raised the walls of the glass gardens while Littlefinger roofed them over, and when they were done with that he helped her extend the walls and build the guardshall. When she used sticks for the covered bridges, they stood, just as he had said they would. The First Keep was simple enough, an old round drum tower, but Sansa was stymied again when it came to putting the gargoyles around the top. Again he had the answer. “It’s been snowing on your castle, my lady,” he pointed out. “What do the gargoyles look like when they’re covered with snow?”
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