A Storm of Swords – Trial

A Storm of Swords – Trial

Tyrion arrives at his show trial to face his already-convinced accusers.

This is mostly another excuse to show off another aspect of the Iron Throne.

asoiaf asong of ice and fire storm of swords iron throne pen and ink illustration Margaery Mace Tyrell Tywin Tyrion Lannister
The dais still stood beneath the empty Iron Throne, though all but one table had been removed. Behind it sat stout Lord Mace Tyrell in a gold mantle over green, and slender Prince Oberyn Martell in flowing robes of striped orange, yellow, and scarlet. Lord Tywin Lannister sat between them. Perhaps there’s hope for me yet. The Dornishman and the Highgardener despised each other. If I can find a way to use that . . .
Tyrion Pg 900