Inktober 2020 – Day Thirteen – Dune

Inktober 2020 – Day Thirteen – Dune

I admit there was a temptation to draw sandworms or something else inspired by Frank Herbert’s great work when I saw today’s prompt, Dune. However, for me the first thing I think of when I hear that word is not the desert. As a Yankee, for me, the first things I think of are the hills of sand between the beaches and the marshlands of New England.

The only problem was trying to think of something supernaturally scary for the Halloween theme. The only one I could think of (or find, some Google searches are easier than others) was the Scottish Nuckelavee. This works, because, first their terrifying, and second my only other options like a Kelpie are indistinguishable from a horse at a distance.

This one, here, appears to have interrupted the scene from the cover of a cheap romance novel.

For today's Inktober drawing, a romantic trist on a dune is interrupted by the fearsome Nuckelavee
pen and ink illustration pen and ink sketch challenge