Game of Thrones – Winter Roses

Game of Thrones – Winter Roses

While the whole point of this exercise is to be as random as possible so I don’t just do all of the possible scenes, you can’t blame me for wanting to do some of the iconic ones. So today I did the scene that arguably started everything. With Rhaegar Targaryan proclaiming Lyana stark the Queen of Love and Beauty… Who’d think that nearly a million people would die over a gift of winter roses?

I’m really happy how this one came out. I would have thought Rhaegar would have worn a dragon helm similar to the lion helm Jamie wears, but all Mr. Martin says about it is it’s black with rubies on the breastplate. I didn’t want to make it too fancy since Mr. Martin also says it’s the same armor that he wears to battle. I’m more than happy to have medieval experts correct me on this one but I generally believe that the armor you see in tilts are very specialized sports gear and the armor you would go to war with would be more utilitarian.

Because of this, I didn’t think Rhaegar would want to go to fancy. The way his personality is written you get the impression he doesn’t think he has anything to prove.

My only regret on this image is Lyanna is too far in the background to be obvious.

In this Game of Thrones Illustration, Rhaegar Targaryen proclaims Lyanna Stark the Queen of Love and Beauty with a crown of winter roses.
wpmorse tourney armor pen and ink

Ned remembered the moment when all the smiles died, when Prince Rhaegar Targaryen urged his horse past his own wife, the Dornish princess Elia Martell, to lay the queen of beauty’s laurel in Lyanna’s lap. He could see it still: a crown of winter roses, blue asĀ frost.
Game of Thrones – Chapter 58