Game of Thrones – Never Has A King Been More Loved
Today we crank up the courtly paranoia by everyone making it loudly clear that King Robert Baratheon is loved by everybody.
The best part of this picture is I finally get to draw Varys! Sure, he makes a quick appearance in my small council picture but there he was just a prop. Now I can show him the act!
As I mention in that article, I regard Varys as just another character that the “Pro From Lys” plays. Even if everything Varys has told us about himself is true, and he actually is who he is, the “real” Varys is very different from the mincing foreigner everyone knows. I often wonder just how many identities Varys has. I don’t mean disguises when I say this. I mean identities with a history that he has to dedicate quite a bit of time to maintain. The only ones we know he maintains are “Varys” and Rugen the undergaoler. I also wonder just how much effort the Varys act requires. How fat does one have to be so it shows on the face but the rest of it can be maintained by padding and loose clothing? He may have shown a hint of his real face to Tyrion a few times but at the moment we can’t disprove that it’s not a very good mummer doing another performance. The rest of the time he’s playing it up with the powder, perfume, and mincing. For my take on him, the lipstick and painted cheeks may be pushing it, but I think it’s in character.

“Yes,“ she was forced to say. “For a certainty.“
“Never has a king been so beloved as our Robert,“ quipped Littlefinger. He smiled slyly. “At least in Lord Varys’s hearing.
Game of Thrones – Chapter 18