Game of Thrones – Gossip and Midnight Snack

Game of Thrones – Gossip and Midnight Snack

After dragging my feet for too long I’m back on track in my game of thrones project. I want to finish Game of Thrones by June, and I’ve just picked up a used copy of Clash of Kings for my next step. Today we have Sansa sharing her gossip with her friend and companion Jeyne Poole about watching her father hold court. Jeyne only cares about lemon cakes, so they have a midnight snack instead.

I’m getting better at collecting references for this thing, so the staircase wasn’t a problem. What I had trouble with was the girls’ nightgowns of all things. It took me a while for me to find camisoles that I could be sure were accurate to the period. Of course, since Sansa is from one of the great houses, she can own one that she can use exclusively for sleeping.

wpmorse, Game of thrones, Illustration,Girls, talking,gossip,dessert,pie stairs,
The Kitchen yielded no lemon cakes, but they did find half of a cold strawberry pie, and that was almost as good. They ate it on the towered steps, giggling and gossiping and sharing secrets, and Sansa went to bed feeling almost as wicked as Arya.
Game of Thrones – Chapter 44