Batman Sketch Challenge – Day Twenty – Harley Quinn

Batman Sketch Challenge – Day Twenty – Harley Quinn

For Day twenty of my Batman Sketch Challenge I drew Harley Quinn Harley Quinn was one of the sketches I was looking forward to… Having said that I think I kind of queered the pitch here.

I’ve liked the character since her first appearances in Batman the Animated Series and found her tragic obsession with the Joker fascinating. I also liked how the writers showed how smart and competent she was, essentially serving as the Joker’s executive officer. She got increasingly ditzier as the show went on. I’m sure I could use the Watsonian argument that she became “immersed in her role” that still feels like a stretch and like I’m rationalizing. It hasn’t helped that she’s pretty much become a goofy dumb blonde who’s only assets… (sorry… was actually using it unironically that time) are sexuality and a sense of humor.

So as I said I’m seeing this version of Harley is an independent operator, though I have no idea what her agenda is. Since the version of the Joker I’m having in this version is not quite the stuff of nightmares and a little more competent because of this, Harley may not have severed all of her attachments with his organization.

I have to confess I’m not happy with my design, here. I wanted to play up the Harlequin in her look while keeping the elements of her original jester suit. In the process, I thinkĀ I ended up canceling out both elements. (not to mention that I forgot a few key details of her original costume. ) Still, I think the jacket works pretty well.