Batman Sketch Challenge – Day Fourteen – The Scarecrow

Batman Sketch Challenge – Day Fourteen – The Scarecrow

For Day Fourteen of my Batman Sketch Challenge I drew The Scarecrow! For today’s sketch, the magic Tupperware told me to draw Professor Jonathan Crane The Scarecrow!

My interest in the Scarecrow as a character has evolved over the years. When I first encountered him was in Challenge of the Superfriends where he was just a man dressed as a scarecrow and my reaction was so what? Later when I found him again in the comics as the “master of fear” he became more interesting.

Having said that, I really didn’t have much to add to his concept. I only tweaked his look in an attempt to make him just a little scarier and slightly more realistically dressed (for example do those floppy hats that most people draw scarecrows wearing even exist in real life?)

Anyway, other than rushing a little bit and doing a lousy job on the rats and snakes and somehow having ink accident with a marker, I’m mostly happy with the design.
