Pen and Ink

In today's A Clash of Kings Illustration Tyrion orders Shagga to feed Pycelle's manhood to the goats. asoiaf a song of ice and fire maester lannister pen and ink

A Clash of Kings – No Goats

"I know all about Lord Petyr. He's almost as untrustworthy as you. Shagga, cut off his manhood and feed it to the goats." Shagga hefted the huge...

In today's A Clash of Kings illustrations, Tyrion has a meeting with his sweet sister, Cersei. Lancel Lannister pen and ink kings landing red keep asoiaf a song of ice and fire siblings

A Clash Of Kings – Sweet Sister

Cersei was reclining on a pile of cushions. Her feet were bare, her golden hair artfully tousled, her robe a green-and-gold samite that caught the light of...

In today's A Clash of Kings illustration, Theon does not realize he's just met his sister Asha. horse pen and ink Wex Greyjoy iron islands ironborn wpmorse

A Clash of Kings – Asha

When they were well beyond Lordsport, Theon put a hand on her breast. Esgred reached up and plucked it away. "I'd keep both hands on...

In today's A Clash of Kings Illustrations Jon gets propositioned by Craster's daughter, Gilly. Stark asoiaf a song of ice and fire wildling wpmorse

A Clash of Kings – Gilly

"Don't beg me anything. Go back to your hall, you shouldn't be here. We were commanded not to speak to Craster's women." A Clash of Kings - Chapter...

For today's A Clash of Kings illustration, Arya sees a village and swans from atop a tree. stark wpmorse pen and ink a song of ice and fire asoiaf

A Clash of Kings – Swans

From up here, she could see a small wooded island off to the northeast. Thirty yards from shore, three black swans were gliding over the water, so...

In today's A Clash of Kings illustration two fools perform for Renly Baratheon. The Reach Bitterbridge pen and ink asoif a song of ice and fire

A Clash of Kings – Fools

The height of folly was reached when a plump fool came capering out in gold-painted tin with a cloth lion's head, and chased a dwarf...