The Librarian continues his travels through L-Space. In the meantime, he has to avoid all of the dangerous fauna there.
This was a difficult picture to...
Facing a pair of palace guards, Vimes tries to use Carrot as a threat, telling them to "charge" them. Unfortunately, he underestimates Dwarf literalism...
Brother Fingers is the only surviving member of the Elucidated Brethren, having gone out for pizza when the dragon attacked.
Having easily apprehended him outside...
The Elucidated Brethren starts their meeting, despite the absence of the grandmaster. However, something is not right about the new member.
In this series, I haven't had...
Guards! Guards! begins with the funeral of the Watchman Gaskin, demoralizing what's left of the watch. Later Colon tells us how Gaskin died. He made...
As predicted, some kid with a sword comes to challenge the dragon. Anyone who has been reading the rest of the book knows this is a ringer set up by...