
Guards! Guards! We Are Dragons

The dragon looks into Wonse's mind and discovers something it cannot understand, something worse than dragons, humanity. This is one of my favorite quotes in the...

Guards! Guards! Hurrah?

The child returns, asking if it's okay to shout "hurrah!" along with the shocked crowd. I like how the child's response adds to Vimes's mounting cynicism. He...

Guards! Guards! The Crown

The dragon reappears at the coronation, flames the king, and takes the crown for itself. This scene brought up the question of scale. For the...

Guards! Guards! Go Home!

The dragon has returned and Vimes tries to get a child to go home before the dragon eats them. In the end, only physical threats...

Guards! Guards! Errol

Errol the Dragon, and Night Watch mascot, is feeling poorly. Not much to say about this one. Other than seeing there was no need to deviate...