A Storm of Swords – The Voyeur

A Storm of Swords – The Voyeur

Lord Walder Frey greedily enjoys his revenge watching the carnage like a voyeur.

I’ve made no secret that I wanted to have as little to do with the Red Wedding as possible.

But my issues with the subject matter aside, there is too much going on. It’s crowded by design with far too many things in one paragraph alone to focus on. I’d have the same problem if this was a Marx Brothers film and it was pies instead of knives. 

 Because of this, it was good to have Walder to focus on amidst all of the chaos. It also makes for a good call back to the portrait I did of him earlier in the book with him alone and bitter in his court. 

asoiaf a song of ice and fire storm of swords illustration pen and ink red wedding walder frey the twins Joyeuse Erenford
In the midst of slaughter, the Lord of the Crossing sat on his carved oaken throne, watching greedily.
Catelyn – pg 702