A Sword of Storms – Drums

A Sword of Storms – Drums

Catelyn watches Jinglebell dance to the accompaniment of drums and terrible music.

I’m happy with this one.

I focused on Jinglebell in his mildly dream-like state. I deliberately made it look as if he was barely aware of what was going on.
Some of the background detail was hard to put in most notably the musicians. Though, I will argue that that was a case of soft focus. I’m also not completely sure if a Celtic drum like this would be period accurate.

But it does what it’s supposed to do, showing Catelyn’s growing suspicion while trapped in her outsider status.

asoiaf a song of ice and fire illustration pen and ink storm of swords catelyn tully red wedding musicians drums party
The drums were pounding, pounding, pounding, and her head with them. Pipes wailed and flutes trilled from the musicians’ gallery at the foot of the hall; fiddles screeched, horns blew, the skins skirled a lively tune, but the drumming drove them all. The sounds echoed off the rafters, whilst the guests ate, drank, and shouted at one another below. Walder Frey must be deaf as a stone to call this music. Catelyn sipped a cup of wine and watched Jinglebell prance to the sounds of “Alysanne.” At least she thought it was meant to be “Alysanne.” With these players, it might as easily have been “The Bear and the Maiden Fair.”
Catelyn – pg 693