A Storm of Swords – Jinglebell

A Storm of Swords – Jinglebell

Catelyn sees Lord Frey with his sad, new wife and grandson Aegon Frey, otherwise known as Jinglebell.
Jinglebell is a character I’ve been wondering about for a while. I’ve commented about Mr. Martin’s use of fools before.I’ve read some history about actual fools in the middle ages. There were some anecdotes about some of them being mentally handicapped and kept as pets. Whether this was cruel or a way to protect them is a mystery of the ages.

While no one is defending Walder, Frey, one can argue that keeping Aegon around in motley is better than locking him in his cell for the rest of his life.
I find myself regarding him as the most tragic victim of the Red Wedding.
Because of this, I went out of my way to make jingle Bell, the least funny fool, after Patchface, of course.

asoiaf a song of ice and fire storm of swords pen and ink illustration walder frey aegon jinglebell Joyeuse Erenford the twins thrones
The eighth Lady Frey stood beside Lord Walder’s high seat. At his feet sat a somewhat younger version of himself, a stooped thin man of fifty whose costly garb of blue wool and grey satin was strangely accented by a crown and collar ornamented with tiny brass bells. The likeness between him and his lord was striking, save for their eyes; Lord Frey’s small, dim, and suspicious, the other’s large, amiable, and vacant. Catelyn recalled that one of Lord Walder’s brood had fathered a halfwit long years ago. During past visits, the Lord of the Crossing had always taken care to hide this one away. Did he always wear a fool’s crown, or is that meant as mockery of Robb? It was a question she dare not ask.
Catelyn VI – 674