A Storm of Swords – The Twins

A Storm of Swords – The Twins

Catelyn and company arrive at the Twins for Edemure’s wedding.

And here we go. This bit here feels like the last song at the end of the first act of a musical where all the different characters sing their leitmotifs in harmony as their plotlines converge.

When I first read A Storm of Swords I had an early warning about the Red Wedding. Being the coward I was, I skipped the chapter, reading the outline on Westeros.org later. Regrettably because of this when they did it in season three, it hit me almost as hard as it did all of the show only fans who weren’t expecting it.

Let’s just say I’m not looking forward to my next ten drawings.

Asoiaf a song of ice and fire storm of swords illustration pen and ink the riverlands the twins house frey
The gatehouse towers emerged from the rain like ghosts, hazy grey apparitions that grew more solid the closer they rode. The Frey stronghold was not one castle but two; mirror images in wet stone standing on opposite sides of the water, linked by a great arched bridge. From the center of its span rose the Water Tower, the river running straight and swift below. Channels had been cut from the banks, to form moats that made each twin an island. The rains had turned the moats to shallow lakes.
Catelyn VI – 670