Arya tries to kill the Hound while he’s sleeping. It doesn’t work. There are pretty much only two ways to do this scene. One where we look up at Arya holding the rock, maybe Sandor has his eyes open. The other looks down at Arya as she tries to do the deed. Because most of the versions I know do the upward shots I decided to go with the downward. I guess I’m just contrary.
She had chosen to ride, but the first time they made camp she’d waited until she thought he was asleep, and found a big jagged rock to smash his ugly head in. Quiet as a shadow, she told herself as she crept toward him, but that wasn’t quiet enough. The Hound hadn’t been asleep after all. Or maybe he’d woken. Whichever it was, his eyes opened, his mouth twitched, and he took the rock away from her as if she were a baby. The best she could do was kick him. “I’ll giveyou that one,” he said, when he flung the rock into the bushes. “But if you’re stupid enough to try again, I’ll hurt you.” Arya IX -649