Storm of Swords – The Groom

Storm of Swords – The Groom

Sansa is given a shotgun wedding by the Lannisters.

I was reluctant to do any of the worst things parts of this chapter.  So, I avoided things like Joffrey and Cersei gloating and stuck to the brass tacks. 

In this case, showing Tyrion dressed as the groom. While it’s a wonderful outfit, not to put Tyrion down too much, it still feels like putting lipstick on the pig. It also is my first chance to show just how badly Tyrion’s scars ruined his already unattractive face.  Most of the pictures I’ve done of him in this book were of his backside reacting to things. Now we see him, perhaps unfairly, as the punchline to all of Sansa’s bad luck.

asoiaf a song of ice and fire storm swords illustration pen and ink tyrion lannister,
Tyrion wore a doublet of black velvet covered with golden scrollwork, thigh-high boots that added three inches to his height, a chain of rubies and lions’ heads. But the gash across his face was raw and red, and his nose was a hideous scab. “You are very beautiful, Sansa,” he told her.
Sansa III – Pg 385