A Storm of Swords – The Liddle

A Storm of Swords – The Liddle

Our heroes are given hospitality by a man Bran believes is part of House Liddle.

I couldn’t think of that much for what to do with this one. However, I thought it made a good establishing shot. In the end, I like it as a mood piece.

illustration a storm of swords a song of ice and fire outcrop cave rain tree hodor bran stark house liddle rain forest meera reed
He offered them oatcakes and blood sausage and a swallow of ale from a skin he carried, but never his name; nor did he ask theirs. Bran figured him for a Liddle. The clasp that fastened his squirrelskin cloak was gold and bronze and wrought in the shape of a pinecone, and the Liddles bore pinecones on the white half of their green-and-white shields.
Bran II – Pg 334