A Storm of Swords – The New Dress

A Storm of Swords – The New Dress

Sansa gets a new dress made for her.

The challenge of this piece was trying to find references for the seamstress. I would assume a woman like a seamstress, especially one with lords for clients, would be a high-paid middle-class artisan. It took me a while to find a reference for how such an individual would look. Generally, for my purposes, I envision A Song of Ice and Fire taking place in a parallel version of the fifteenth century. The problem is I don’t know if the rise of the middle class in Westeros would work in a similar way to real history. Even if it did, would our upper-class viewpoint characters notice?

asoiaf a song of ice and fire storm of swords sansa stark illustration pen and ink seamstress measurements
A new gown?” she said, as wary as she was astonished.
Sansa II – pg 220