A Storm of Swords – King Beyond the Wall

A Storm of Swords – King Beyond the Wall

Jon learns the history of Mance Rayder’s success as the King Beyond the Wall through politicking and networking with all the tribes.

 I really couldn’t think of a good way to do this. Since I really couldn’t think of a good literal way, I focused on a figurative interpretation. I showed Mance Rayder leading the assorted tribes of Wildlings through the northern wasteland. Most of the people in the foreground are people we’ve already seen. I included the other tribes mentioned by name as best I could. I stuck with arctic cultures for my references. Most notably, I used an Inuit parka to represent one of the Walrushunters.

asoiaf a song of ice and fire storm swords illustration pen and ink mance rayder king lute wildlings tormund giants bane lord o bones rattleshirt
Mance had spent years assembling this vast plodding host, talking to this clan mother and that magnar, winning one village with sweet words and another with a song and a third with the edge of his sword, making peace between Harma Dogshead and the Lord o’ Bones, between the Hornfoots and the Nightrunners, between the walrus men of the Frozen Shore and the cannibal clans of the great ice rivers, hammering a hundred different daggers into one great spear, aimed at the heart of the Seven Kingdoms. He had no crown nor scepter, no robes of silk and velvet, but it was plain to Jon that Mance Rayder was a king in more than name.
Jon II – Pg 209