A Storm of Swords – Jeyne

A Storm of Swords – Jeyne

Robb forgives Catelyn and introduces her to his new wife, Jeyne Westerling. Period. I think the show does a disservice to our perception of some of the characters, especially with Joffrey and Robb. We keep going on about Joffrey being the naive boy king, but we forget that so is Robb. For all of Joffrey’s stupidity, beyond being a strategic prodigy, Robb isn’t much smarter.

He doesn’t seem to realize he’s burned several bridges—both with the Freys and the Karstarks. Not to mention, ignoring some of the excellent advice his mother still has to give him.

asoiaf a song of ice and fire storm swords illustration pen and ink robb stark jeyne westerling riverrun
The maid came forward last, and very shy. Robb took her hand. “Mother,” he said, “I have the great honor to present you the Lady Jeyne Westerling. Lord Gawen’s elder daughter, and my . . . ah . . . my lady wife.”
Catelyn II – pg 194