A Storm of Swords – Treason

A Storm of Swords – Treason

Rickard Karstark confronts Catelyn with a charge of treason.

This is a scene where I am almost willing to take Karskark’s side despite his preclude prickliness and antagonism throughout the previous book. It’s almost as if Catelyn’s privilege makes it makes her incapable of realizing that Karstark’s anger over the death of his children is no more legit than hers.

I’m happy with this one except I probably should’ve zoomed out just a little bit. There wasn’t enough room for Karskark’s body language.

On a side note, I am kicking myself for realizing that I should’ve had Kaitlyn in the mourning black for the last three chapters.

asoiaf a song of ice and fire storm of swords illustration pen and ink Greatjon Umber Rickhard Karstark Catelyn Tully Robb Stark Riverrun
‘”A mother’s folly?” Lord Karstark rounded on Lord Umber. “I name it treason.”
Catelyn II – pg 192