A Storm of Swords – Duck

A Storm of Swords – Duck

Arya, Hotpie, Gendry, and The Brotherhood arrive at the Inn of the Kneeling Man. They arrive at least a day after Brianne Cleos and Jamie left it. Anguy shoots a duck to stay on the innkeeper’s good side.

I had a few false starts on this one because I was trying to choose which angle to use. I envisioned Sharna the innkeeper framed by the door. It probably would’ve worked if I had done it as a portrait of her. However, I put Lem and Arya in the foreground of the shot making it too crowded. I was reluctant to do Sharna’s point of view because it would’ve been too similar to another good version of the same scene. Finally, I realized there are more than two places to put a camera and did a medium side shot of Arya, Lem, and Sharna.

asoiaf a song of ice and fire illustration pen and ink inn kneeling man arya stark lem lemoncloak duck anguy sarna
“We shot a duck.” Lem held it out like a peace banner.
Arya II – pg 181