A Storm of Swords – The Map

A Storm of Swords – The Map

Lost in the woods, Arya shows the others the map she stole from Roose Bolton. Now, if only they can find any landmarks in the rain and the dark.

Arya has all of her confidence back in this scene. Probably too confident since she acts like she’s surrounded by idiots. Not getting into the intelligence of Hot Pie, she’s the only one one of the three with anything resembling woodcraft and is the only one who can read.

“The Trident.” Arya unrolled the stolen map to show them. “See? Once we reach the Trident, all we need to do is follow it upstream till we come to Riverrun, here.” Her finger traced the path. “It’s a long way, but we can’t get lost so long as we keep to the river.”
Arya – 46