A Storm of Swords – The Oath

A Storm of Swords – The Oath

I think the Night’s Watch repeating their oath is a good way to start the third installment of my Song of Ice and Fire sketch challenge, don’t you?

 Though, when you stop to think about it, Lord Mormont’s speech has a bit of a “let’s show those wogs a taste of British steel, wot?” quality to it. Even without the Others, they’re up against a Zulu/Little Big Horn situation.

It almost makes one tempted to take Chett’s side.

My main problem with this piece came when I realized that drawing a crowd of men dressed in black at dusk was not one of my better ideas. Happily, I managed to keep everybody visible, but this one’s on my “do it properly in color” list.

a song of ice and fire storm of swords beyond the wall fist of the first men Jeor Mormont night's watch sword fire bonfire crowd illustration pen and ink
Then all of them were drawing, and it was near three hundred upraised swords and as many voices crying, “The horn that wakes the sleepers! The shield that guards the realms of men!”
Prologue -Pg 14