Guards! Guards! Will The Magic Last?

Guards! Guards! Will The Magic Last?

So we follow the dragons off the disc, who will keep flying away until (if) the magic runs out.

On a side note, I’ve been following the flat earth movement for a while. And I have to say that the risk of humoring those idiots takes the fun out of fully visualizing the Discworld. In this case, I find drawing a fully flat world tricky. I keep finding myself wanting to draw a horizon even though I know there isn’t one.

And that ends the City Watch series, for now. Join me in June, once I complete Mermay, where I return to the land of Westeros with Storm of Swords.

On the dark Crescent, where the old light of sunset had barely drained from the  deepest valleys, two specks, one big, one small, flew out of the shadow skimmed low across the swells of the rim ocean, and struck out determinedly over the totally unfathomable, star. Deaths of space.
Perhaps the magic would last. Perhaps it wouldn’t. But then, what does?

Guards! Guards! Page 403