Guards! Guards! A Kettle?

Guards! Guards! A Kettle?

The rank is honored by the city for defeating the dragon. (Actually, it just left but nobody is asking too many questions.) When asked what they want for a reward all they ask for is a small raise, a new dartboard… and a kettle.

Even the Patrician is surprised.

I like populating and stage dressing these scenes. The consists mostly of guild representatives. I put Mr. Boggis in even though I’m pretty sure he was not the head thief who talked with Vetinari at the beginning of the book.

Above the crowd is Guild livery which I took from the Compleat Ankh Morpork. Though I think the only one that is recognizable is the Fools guild.

guards discworld sergeant fred colon carrot ironfoundersson nobby nobbes palace the patrician havelock vetinari crowd guilds illustration
“I want to be clear about this,” he said coldly. “Are we to believe that you were asking for a petty wage increase and a domestic utensil?”
Guards! Guards! Page 391