Guards! Guards! Realm of Fancy

Guards! Guards! Realm of Fancy

The Librarian gets his book back, along with another one. Before leaving, he shows Vimes the last page that says what realm the Dragons went to.

I do not get tired of drawing the Librarian. Perhaps it’s the thrill of knowing that all that sketching orangutans at the zoo paid off. Having said that, I’m beginning to regret not drawing him going with Vimes to get a drink.

Discworld illustration Samuel Vimes Illustration pen and ink The Librarian orangutan book
Yet draggons are notte liken unicornes, I willen. They dwellyth in some Realm definèd bye thee Fancie of the Wille and, thus, it myte bee thate whomsoever calleth upon them, and giveth them theyre patheway unto thys worlde, calleth theyre Owne dragon of the Mind
Guards! Guards! Page 386