Guards! Guards! Throw The Book At Him

Guards! Guards! Throw The Book At Him

The villain, Lupine Wonse, is cornered. An exhausted Vimes, caught up in the moment, tells Carrot to throw the book at him, that is to say, arrest him. The thing is he forgets that as a dwarf, Carrot isn’t very good at metaphors… and The Laws and ordinances of Ankh and Morpork is a really big book.

There weren’t many places to put the book in this composition. While I’m not particularly happy with the way the book falling down after striking Wonse works, I’m not sure if the other two options would have worked either.

Discworld illustration pen and ink palace book arrest lupine wonse
The Laws and ordinances of Ankh and Morpork caught the secretary on the forehead. He blinked, staggered, and stepped backwards.
Guards! Guards! Page 379