Mermay 2022 – Day Eight – Mother

Mermay 2022 – Day Eight – Mother

Along with my other complaints about this list is I’ve been doing this challenge long enough that I’ll look at the day’s prompt and say “I did that one!” Today’s prompt, mother, is one of those.

Along with my other complaints about this list is I’ve been doing this challenge long enough that I’ll look at the day’s prompt and say, “I did that one!” Today’s prompt, mother, is one of those.

While I was very happy with the picture of a merwoman and her children I did a couple of years ago, I wasn’t particularly excited about doing another Hallmark moment. So, I tried to think of other things involving mothers. Such as having Doris being scolded for something that she didn’t do, again. Or, maybe even sneaking in a Lovecraft reference with Mother Hydra. The problem with these all would require a footnote. The Hallmark moment was the only thing that would say mother immediately.

However, it occurred to me that this was the opportunity to put in some world building. So, not going into the question of whether the mermaids were immortal or not, I realized I didn’t have a single regular cast member who was over 25. There must be some Merwoman out there.

Since, I assumed I couldn’t have the youngest mermaid of the bunch, Cami, swimming around unsupervised. If any of the mermaids in this setting had a mother it would be her. Because I had a picture of Cami getting on her case, I added Doris to the family. As for the mother I had one merwoman who’s shown up in the past looking regal and badass. She hadn’t appeared enough times to be in the cast yet. For this, I think I’ll bring her into the fold.

I’m naming her Lerna as a way to stick to the Mother Hydra idea.