Guards! Guards! Vimes is Angry
Vimes is so angry he lifts up a three-hundred-pound orangutan without noticing. The Librarian decides not to comment.
When I first ever read this book, for some reason I assumed Vimes lifted the Librarian up by his chest hair. Since clearly, that wouldn’t work, I went with him grabbing under his arms. Admittedly that would require Vimes to think about it enough to notice what he’s doing.
I think this is one of those times you really shouldn’t overthink a joke.

“What? Oh. Sorry.“ Vimes lowered the ape, who wisely didn’t make an issue of it because of man angry enough to lift 300 pounds of orangutan without noticing is a man with too much on his mind.
Guards! Guards! Page 340
May 2, 2022
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