The Librarian
Having found one of his books missing, the Librarian reports it to the watch.
I’m still fine-tuning my design of the Librarian. As mentioned before, the only description Terry Pratchett gives (Besides saying he’s a 300-pound adult male orangutan) is that he doesn’t have the phalanges of a dominant male.
This is something I’ve been skeptical about for a while. (Not to put down Mr. Pratchett’s research, one does not use fantasy novels as references. ) Happily, I finally had it confirmed for me. Less happily, I haven’t found any visual references of a non-dominant adult male yet. Because of this, I’ve been using Godek from the Woodland Park Zoo as my model. He’s only ten and still has a few years to go before puberty kicks in, but he has a nice long face that is distinguishable from the females if you know what you’re looking for.
Right now my only regret in this picture is I appear to have given him a neck.

“Oook,“ he said.
Guards! Guards! Pg 109