Guards! Guards! Plainclothes
Vimes had hoped to have his men do some undercover work but he forgot what Colon and Nobby might regard as “plainclothes”
This scene is one that brings attention to anachronisms.
Make no mistake, Discworld has plenty of anachronisms. The ones that quickly come to mind are cigarettes, coffee, and cardboard. Having said that, until Ankh Morpork evolves into something vaguely like the 18th century in later books, I’m going to base my choices on the assumption that it’s in the late renaissance.
The reason I bring this up is that whenever I read this scene, I imagine Colon in an ill-fitting plaid jacket. (I have vague memories of Paul Kidby’s version dressing in one in this scene.) So, it was really hard to stick with my theme.
I kept the bowler hat, though.

“I wonder if I made the word ‘plain’ clear enough?” said Captain Vimes.
Guards! Guards! Pg 104