Mermay 2021 – Day Twenty-Two – Donuts

mermaid deep one watercolor illustration donuts store

Mermay 2021 – Day Twenty-Two – Donuts

The hardest part about today’s prompt was answering the question, “how do you find donut’s underwater?”

Certainly, I know that prompts are just suggestions, so I could go with something that looked like a donut, such as a mermaid using an inner-tube, or someone trying to rescue a mermaid with a flotation device, but deliberate rationalization like that always seemed like a copout to me.

I could also have had a mermaid trying to steal a donut from a land dweller, most likely some vendor at a wharf attraction. The problem there is, it would be hard to show all of the mermaids. And since one of my unwritten rules is to make it clear someone is a mermaid, rather than just a skinny dipper, that one was out two.

Finally I decided to just run with it and go with an underwater donut stand. Maybe it’s a secret deep one recipe.