A Clash of Kings – A Poor Vintage

in todays A Clash of Kings illustration, Dolorous Ed tells a story about a brother of the watch who drowned in a barrel of wine... it was a poor vintage. asoiaf a song of ice and fire the Night's watch eddison tollett pen and ink

A Clash of Kings – A Poor Vintage

I knew a brother drowned himself in wine once. It was a poor vintage, though, and his corpse did not improve it.”

A Clash of Kings Chapter 43 – Jon

Dolorous Edd tells a story about a brother who drowned in a barrel of wine. It did not improve the vintage.

When you have the chance to draw Dolorous Edd, grab it. This one went quite smoothly.

I frequently listen to the Roy Dotrice recording to make sure I didn’t miss anything. His performance of Edd continually keeps making the “Eh” sound while he’s telling his routines as if he’s not sure his audience gets the jokes.