A Clash of Kings – The Men From The Shadow Tower

In today's A Clash of Kings illustration reinforcements from the Shadow Tower arrive. asoiaf a song of ice and fire pen and ink the night's watch rangers horses

A Clash of Kings – The Men From The Shadow Tower

It was not long until the first of the brothers from the Shadow Tower began wending their way up the slope. All in leather and fur they were, with here and there a bit of steel or bronze; heavy beards covered hard lean faces, and made them look as shaggy as their garrons. Jon was surprised to see some of them were riding two to a horse. When he looked more closely, it was plain that many of them were wounded. There has been trouble on the way.

A Clash of Kings Chapter 43 – Jon

Qhorin Halfhand and his men from the Shadow Tower arrive at the Ringwall. But the expected reinforcements look more like a retreat.

Once again, this book has way too many horses in it. I think I was indirectly inspired by Bill Maulden’s Pulitzer winning “Fresh, Spirited, American Troops” cartoon when I did this.