A Clash of Kings – The Seven

In today's A Clash of Kings Illustration, Catelyn prays to the Seven before the battle. Tully stark gods sept religion warrior father smith a song of ice and fire asoiaf

A Clash of Kings – The Seven

Catelyn  studied the faces. The Father  was bearded, as ever. The Mother  smiled, loving and protective. The Warrior had his sword sketched in beneath his face, the Smith his hammer. The Maid was beautiful, the Crone wizened and wise.

A Clash of Kings – Chapter 33 – Catelyn

Catelyn prays to the Seven in a rundown country sept before the Baratheon brothers go to battle against each other. Once again it’s hard to show everything in this small format. Especially when my “camera” is technically right int the Mother’s face. So I’m only able to show the Father, the Warrior, and the Smith, along with just a bit of the maiden. I tried to imagine what the drawings would look like and probably ended up making them look more realistic than they probably were in the book.

It occurred to me while writing this, that if I had Catelyn facing the camera rather in the angle she’s in, I probably could have gotten my god count up to five. Though it probably would have made this look too much like yesterday’s Sansa picture.