A Clash Of Kings – Sweet Sister
Cersei was reclining on a pile of cushions. Her feet were bare, her golden hair artfully tousled, her robe a green-and-gold samite that caught the light of the candles and shimmered as she looked up. “Sweet sister,” Tyrion said, “how beautiful you look tonight.” He turned to the singer. “And you as well, cousin. I had no notion you had such a lovely voice.”
A Clash of Kings – Chapter 25 – Tyrion
This picture of Tyrion “consulting” Cersei had a couple of false starts. Mainly because Mr. Martin’s description made everything sound as if it were some sort of lounging area, or perhaps a solar, while explicitly saying it was the queen’s bed-chamber. Knowing what a medieval bed-chamber looked like, even a queen’s, it took a while to wrap my head around it. At the same time, there were a lot of things I wanted to put in it. This included Cersei, Lancel, and the two musicians. Since it’s his point of view, having Tyrion was optional.
Speaking of the musicians, this is a case where Mr. Martin glossing over minor details. Since he doesn’t say anything about them other than what they are playing. Therefore I could make them whatever gender I wanted. I found myself overthinking the instruments. While I’m pretty sure a high harp is what I think it is, pipes can be a number of things. I went with a recorder.