A Clash of Kings – The Tourney

In today's A Clash of Kings illustration Brienne of Tarth fights Red Ronnet Connington at the Tourney of Bitterbridge. pen and ink asoiaf a son of ice and fire

A Clash of Kings – The Tourney

This is madness, Catelyn thought. Real enemies on every side and half the realm in flames, and Renly sits here playing at war like a boy with his first wooden sword.

A Clash of Kings – Chapter 19 – Catelyn

or our next drawing, we follow Catelyn Tully to Bitterbridge to parly with King Renley Baratheon. When she arrives she sees all of the Knights of Summer havin a tourney.

I’ve been looking forward to this chapter since this is where we meet Brienne. Technically she isn’t introduced for another couple of pages when she takes her helmet off. But before we know who she is we get to see her drop Red Ronnet Connington as if he wasn’t there.