Game of Thrones – The Dosh Khaleen
Dany participates in the Dothraki’s ceremony of motherhood. This consists of eating a stallion’s heart while the dosh khaleen, the Dothraki matriarchs watch. The easy way to do this illustration was to go for the gross-out with a close up of Dany eating the horse’s heart. I did indeed play around with a handful of different angles. But, the more I thought about it, I knew it was all about Dany being judged by the dosh khaleen.
So here she is surrounded by the leaders of Vaes Dothrak, like a hundred mothers-in-law.
On a side note, It occurred to me while drawing this that one of the best scenes in season six couldn’t have happened. The Dothraki do all of their ceremonies outdoors. That means there was no burning building for the Khals to be killed in.

Dany touched the soft swell of her belly. Sweat beaded her skin and trickled down her brow. She could feel the old women watching her, the ancient crones of Vaes Dothrak, with eyes that shone dark as polished flint in their wrinkled faces. She must not flinch or look afraid. I am the blood of the dragon, she told herself as she took the stallion’s heart in both hands, lifted it to her mouth, and plunged her teeth into the tough, stringy flesh.
Game of Thrones – Chapter 46