Game of Thrones – Mya Stone
For today’s illustration, we have the first appearance of Mya Stone. Who, after Gendry, has the most appearances of Robert Baratheon’s bastards. For all of us who know of Mr. Martin’s tendency to drop hints, I regard this as relevant.
Drawing Mya was a bit of a challenge. The description that she dresses in men’s clothes doesn’t help much when I don’t know how a male groom/mountaineer in the middle ages would dress either. Most of the references I found weren’t of much help either. Every time I cross-reference “leather” and “Middle Ages” I get a whole lot of cosplay outfits which, while really cool looking, are probably not accurate. I ended up doing a variation of a period peasant’s outfit.
The other frustration I had was I had hoped that this picture would be my first establishing shot of the Eyrie. Then I found out it took place at night. You can mostly make out the silhouette, but for the most part, you’ll have to take my word for it, it’s there.

“Mya Stone, if it please you, my lady, the girl said.
Game of Thrones – Chapter 34