Game of Thrones – Ghost
In today’s Game of Thrones illustration, Jon Snow finds the last of the dire wolf puppies, Ghost, and claims him as his own.
Despite this, my main focus on this picture was Theon Greyjoy. Jon claims the puppy not out of pity, or taking Bran’s side, but because a certain smug git was getting in his face. This is Theon at his height. While he is a hostage, he is also Ned’s squire. He’s also nineteen, five years older than both Rob and Jon. Wherever he sees himself in the Stark household he definitely sees himself at the top of the pecking order amongst the youth of Winterfell and has no problem lording it over them, as is apparent throughout this chapter.
Despite trying to maintain my own vision throughout this project, I do keep looking at other people’s takes on characters. Most notably Tommy Patterson and Mel Rubi in the comic adaptions tend to go with a long-haired pretty boy look as a way to show what I’ve been describing. Because of my “when in doubt, go with the War of the Roses” approach I’ve been giving Theon a pageboy cut. Partially because that’s what I did in my first picture of him before I was thinking this project through, but now I’m going with short hair is favored because it won’t interfere with a helmet and as a squire, Theon has to follow this rule. (I rationalize why I’ve given Jaime and Jon long hair with, once you’re a knight you can do what you want, no matter how frowned upon it is, and being a bastard, while you’ve had all the training, none of it is official. )
Speaking of Jon, I caught myself making look too old, and I struggled to get the gawkiness of his 14 years back in his appearance. Even though most of that will be hidden in the loose clothes anyway.

Jon Snow gave his father’s ward a long, chilling look. “I think not, Greyjoy,” he said. “This one belongs to me.”
Game of Thrones – Chapter 01