Game of Throne – The Last Night on The Wall
It seems that nearly half of the Tyrion pictures I’ve done in for series are portraits of him. This scene, where he takes one last walk on the top of the Wall and says goodbye to Jon Snow, is no exception.
What attracted me to this scene was suddenly realizing that there is no light pollution up in the wall. It reminded me of summers in Maine where it was so dark, you might as well be blind. I had trouble with the vanishing point on this one. If I did it again, I’d use a downward angle to better show the scale.

He looked off to the East and the west, at the Wall stretching before him, a vast white road with no beginning and no end in a dark abyss on either side. West, he decided, for no special reason and he began to walk that way, following the pathway nearest the north edge, where the gravel looked freshest.
Chapter 21
February 22, 2020
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