Game of Thrones – The Lhazareen
While I like this picture, of Dothraki Screamers running down a Lhazareen boy a little better than I did when I finished it last night, I’m still not completely happy with it.
It all comes down to the fact that horses remain one of my main artistic handicaps. I joke that I can barely trace them, and when I don’t have a proper reference for the pose I’m looking for, they’re even worse.
Still, I like the composition and the dichotomy of these terrible things happening on a beautiful clear day. With a little bit of prep, I think I could redo this into something nice.

Dany saw one boy bolt and run for the river. A rider cut him off and turned him, and the others boxed him in cracking their whips in his face, running him this way and that.
Game of Thrones – Chapter 61